
Maria Ferrer (Santiago, Chile, 1997) es una artista visual que actualmente vive y trabaja en Berlín, Alemania. Su trabajo reflexiona sobre las múltiples capas, conscientes e inconscientes, que configuran la existencia humana. Desde el intrincado microcosmos de procesos internos biológicos y metafísicos, hasta el macrocosmos más amplio de nuestra relación con entidades no humanas y ecosistemas interespecies.

Su práctica creativa gira principalmente en torno a la performance y la instalación, dando vida a experiencias sensoriales inmersivas donde diferentes disciplinas se cruzan, como la escultura, el sonido y el movimiento. En algunas obras las piezas evolucionan dinámicamente a través de acciones, o en otras propuestas, son puestas en escena en las que el cuerpo permanece casi inmóvil, adquiriendo un carácter escultórico.

Usando el cuerpo como material, busca yuxtaponer su peso simbólico e histórico, con la espectacularidad y la imprevisibilidad del momento presente. Así, el tiempo y el espacio adquieren un significado único en sus escenarios experimentales.


Maria Ferrer (Santiago, Chile, 1997) is a visual artist currently living and working in Berlin, Germany. Her work reflects on the multiple layers, conscious and unconscious, that shape human existence. From the intricate microcosm of biological and metaphysical inner processes, to the broader macrocosm of our relationship with non-human entities and interspecies ecosystems.

Her creative practice revolves mainly around performance and installation, giving life to immersive sensory experiences where different disciplines intersect, such as sculpture, sound and movement. In some works the pieces evolve dynamically through actions, or in other proposals, are stagings in which the body remains almost immobile, acquiring a sculptural character.

Using the body as material, she seeks to juxtapose its symbolic and historical weight, with the spectacular nature and unpredictability of the present moment. Thus, time and space acquires a unique significance in her experimental scenarios.


2017-2021. Bachelor of Visual Arts. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.


2024. Uprootings and Reconnections. Guest Artist. Bardo Projektraum, Berlin, Germany.

2023. GlogauAIR Art Residency. Artist in residence. Berlin, Germany.

2022. Posthumous Painting. Guest Artist. Metropolitan Gallery, Santiago, Chile.

2019. La Tirana Mobile Residency. Artist in residence, Tarapacá, Chile.

2019. Ascospora. Guest Artist. Biennial of Media Arts, Santiago, Chile. 

2019. Delusional Serpent. Guest Artist. National Museum of Fine Arts, Santiago, Chile.

2019. PARALLEL-O: Performative Emergency. Guest Artist. Casa O, Santiago, Chile.

2018. Dormancy. Guest Artist. Fungi Museum, Santiago, Chile.

2018. Dame Recyclage. Guest Artist. Violeta Parra Museum, Santiago, Chile.

2018. Around the World. Art Director. The Little Company of Theater, Santiago, Chile.

2017. What Happened with the Arms of Venus?. Guest Artist. Alamos Palace, Santiago, Chile.

2022-2023. KAOS Creative Space. Mediator. Mustakis Foundation, Santiago, Chile.

2018. Macchina Gallery. Monitor. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.